Central FL Systema

Central Florida’s Only School for Russian Martial Arts

  • 8 Years Gone By

    I really do not like taking trips down memory lane. Life is happening in the beauty of the Great Now. Yesterday is often a distortion of truth, an amalgamation of fact and desire. I saw a picture of a training from 8 years ago and decided to go against the grain and at least peek…

  • They Already Know

    It is eye-opening to read comments when Vladimir or someone in Systema posts a video. Virtually all are hate-laced diatribes from individuals who seem to know everything about the art. Except for one little fact. Not one of them has spent 1 second in even 1 class. But somehow, magically, they “know.” They know the…

  • Game Theory and Why Systema is So Misunderstood

    Systema may be the most misunderstood martial art today. Those who train in this magnificent art often struggle with the intricate details that masters like Michael and Vladimir perform with ease. Those who do not train, nor ever have trained curiously have unique, often harsh criticism. They too struggle to see the tremendous value and…

  • I Am Sorry You Stopped

    To those who have come and gone, who started and stopped training, I really am sorry. You added to the group. You added to the school. You added to the art. Mostly, you added to yourself. You may not have realized it but you were a better person when you trained. You were happier. You…

  • Is Social Media Ruining Martial Arts?

    “Systema is garbage. It doesn’t work and it is just this ________ martial art” If you have taught for longer than 2 weeks, you have undoubtedly come across these types of sophomoric, crass comments.  As I have said many times, with the advent of Anti-Social Media anyone and everyone is a critic. Credibility and experience…

  • Best Non-Martial Arts Books for Martial Artists

    You undoubtedly have 3 copies of “Book of 5 Rings” and “Tao of Martial Arts.” It goes without saying, “Strikes” and “Let Every Breath” is on the bookshelf.  These are the obvious ones for every Systema practitioner. Here are others, though not always directly related to Systema (or even martial arts), they can hugely impact…

  • The Most Tense Area and What to Do to Correct It

    You will probably get it on the second try but not on the first one. Ready? What typically is the area that holds the most tension? Most people answer “neck or neck/shoulders.” Hard to argue with this one. If not this answer, then “back or low back” is the usual reply. They are certainly valid…

  • My Life Changed By Doing This

    I have always had odd timing, to say the least. When I learn something, there is the anticipation of using it either immediately or within a relatively short period of time. Not the case here. I seem to learn something, wait months or years if not decades, and then apply it with passion and gusto.…

  • Memorial Day Training

    Next Monday is Memorial Day, one to remember those who gave their lives in service of our country. To those who have crossed over we honor you. To those who are currently serving, we appreciate you. To all, we wish you much safety. The Jessie Brock Center will be closed on that day. However, we…

  • Quitting? What to do next.

    Anyone who has ever run a school has had their ups and downs. People come and go and for the most part, it is not terribly predictable. Sometimes, the one who you think will stay for years goes by the wayside after 2 weeks and the one who you think will say for 10 minutes…